Hair Has No Gender: Supporting the trans community in an authentic way
Agency: Pantene (P&G) and Publicis Media
Pantene's purpose is to transform not only hair, but also culture - to create a society where everyone can flourish and live their true identity. So, in collaboration with the local transgender and gender non-conforming community, Pantene came to Good-Loop wanting to shine a light on the power of hair to express identity.
By wrapping Pantene's 'Hair Has No Gender' creative in Good-Loop's unique purpose-powered ad formats, this campaign turned ad engagement into activism and allyship.
533,881 people engaged with the campaign, unlocking donations to Gendered Intelligence, a trans-led uk charity, supporting trans youth services & education programs.
The results were exceptional, surpassing all benchmarks with an 82% Completed View Rate, a 29% uplift in Brand Consideration and 55% uplift in Brand Favourability.
We received some powerful feedback from people who saw this campaign. For example, one respondent said "it made me feel positive as I am trans myself and loved how (Pantene) stood up for trans people and supported them."
The campaign also funded on-the-ground impact and improved the lives of real people. Cara English, Head of Public Engagement at Gendered Intelligence said: "Thank you to Pantene and Good-Loop...The money raised will go to bolstering our trans youth work service.. and with the help of this large sum we will be able to increase our campaigning and lobbying. Lastly, a part of the donation will help us create a digital fundraiser so we can keep bringing more donations in like this and help us continue to grow."