
FCB Inferno

The odds of getting into a creative job are significantly lower if you are Black, Asian, from a minority ethnic background, from a working-class background, female, or disabled. Working alongside charity Arts Emergency, FCB Inferno set out to bring to life the barriers young people face every day.

We employed a powerful metaphor, creating impactful ‘Break In Case of Emergency’ red boxes adorned with devastating statistics, alongside talented young people’s work. These were then placed outside of iconic cultural institutions across the UK.

This empowering campaign sounded the alarm on the dire state of diversity in the Arts and demonstrated what Arts Emergency exists to do - break the glass – calling on employers to help and respond.

The campaign joined Arts Emergency in union with 20 partners from the creative Industries, earned over 24.6M impressions, received 100 pieces of news coverage, and saw the little-known charity trending on Twitter that day.