Better Health - Every Mind Matters


Client: Office for Health Improvement and Disparities

It has been projected that, by 2030, mental health disorders will be the leading cause of mortality globally. The Better Health-Every Mind Matters campaign aimed to encourage people with sub-clinical mental health problems to take action to address their difficulties. Combining our understanding of the audience’s behaviour with innovative, smart media tactics and sophisticated targeting we encouraged them to be ‘kind to their minds’ by using Every Mind Matters’ NHS-approved self-help resources. Enabled by bespoke technology we targeted the audience’s linguistic signals, we interrupted their doom-scrolling with impactful, co-created content and delivered a bespoke mobile game to help them relieve tension and use in-game solutions to address their mental health challenges.


The campaign generated 3.2m mental health care actions, exceeding our target by 59% and it smashed our goal for the number of people reporting having taken a positive action by 75%. The campaign also delivered attitudinal change among our key 18-34 audience segment, driving a significant increase pre-to-post in those who felt very motivated to take action to improve their mental wellbeing, which, no doubt, played a role in driving sustained behaviour change. Critically, four in five of the adults who reported having taken positive action as a result of the campaign stated that they were continuing to do so up to 5 months later, surpassing our target by 56% and improving their chances of enjoying better mental health.