Together We #BreaktheBias

Blue Hat

On International Women’s Day (IWD) 2022, Alnahda took part in the international set theme of #BreakTheBias. Alnahda is a Saudi nonprofit dedicated to empowering women socially and economically through the execution of different projects, and has been granted by the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) a special consultative status as a NGO. For IWD, Alnahda focused on gender balance and emphasized the importance of inclusive decision-making for women in various aspects, in the aim of imagining a world free of bias, look inwardly at our actions, all day every day.

Alnahda and Blue Hat launched an integrated campaign that highlights the importance of breaking the bias with a variety of activations implemented online and offline. We wanted to harness International Women’s Day as an opportunity to shed light and change behavior vis-a-vis the topic of gender biases. Online, we launched a role play test that can calculate the “level of bias” for different users followed by educational content aggregated through social media and containing exact steps on how to support the other half of society. Offline, we created an illuminated installation that featured words of empowerment shown onto passersby to raise awareness, and collectively #BreakTheBias.”

Our objective from these activities is to push for gender inclusion by allowing the general public to re-examine their daily actions and behavior, in the hopes of uncovering (un)conscious biases manifested in daily decision making and choices, in the hopes of driving positive behavior change in society.