Hate Hurts Wales


Hate Hurts Wales

Over 1,500 hate crimes were reported in Wales in 2019/20. “You don’t belong here, go back to your own country.” Shocking, but real abuse experienced by victims of prosecuted hate crime in Wales. It became our inspiration for our ‘Hate Hurts Wales’ campaign to tackle hate crime, calling victims, bystanders and everybody in Wales to stand up to hate crime, together.

To achieve this, our aim was to raise awareness of what a hate crime is, encouraging people to report and highlighting the consequences of committing a hate crime, sending a message to perpetrators that they won’t get away with their hate. Ultimately, together we can put a stop to hate crime.

This bilingual, integrated pan-Wales public awareness campaign was rolled across above, below and through the line channels including a 60-second advert aired on ITV Wales, Sky Adsmart and S4C. The hub films were shared and promoted online (display and search), on social media channels and YouTube with the hashtag #hatehurtswales.